Half-Life: Opposing Force Free Download

Half-Life: Opposing Force Free Download

Half-Life Overview

Half-Life.Return to the Black Mesa Research Facility as one of the military specialists assigned to eliminate Gordon Freeman. Experience an entirely new episode of single player action. Meet fierce alien opponents, and experiment with new weaponry. Named ‘Game of the Year’ by the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences.

Key Features:

  • The story is clever.
  • I liked playing the events of the first game from a different perspective.
  • Adrian is a cool character.
  • It feels like there is more combat here.
  • The amount of content for an expansion when this was released was incredible.

System Requirements:

  • PC compatible.
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP.

How To Install It?

To downloadHalf-Life: 2025 form Gameuvi.vn.

  • Click on the Download Now button, below the Article.
  • The setup will start downloading.
  • Then follow the given instructions to install.
  • Click on the liscence Agreement.


In conclusion, Half-Life: Opposing Force is the first expansion pack that was released for the original Half-Life. When that original game came out it was the kick in the butt my old man needed to bite the bullet and get a new PC. This was a landmark title and while the original game gets all the credit. Many people seem to have forgotten that this expansion pack was a huge deal back in the day with how rich an experience it was.


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